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Solar Storms

What are they?


Solar storms are violent events that occur in the sun's atmosphere. These storms release an enormous amount of energy in the form of charged particles and electromagnetic radiation, which can be detrimental to technology on Earth.


Solar storms can cause interference to communication systems, including telecommunications satellites, which can disrupt phone calls, email, and data transmission. They can also affect electrical power, causing blackouts around the world.


In addition, solar storms can be dangerous for astronauts and air travellers, as they can expose people to dangerous levels of cosmic radiation. Radiation can damage electronic systems aboard spacecraft and aircraft, and can also have long-term effects on people's health.


It is important that steps are taken to protect technology and people from the effects of solar storms. This includes continuous monitoring of the sun and prediction of solar storms, as well as proper protection of technological systems and information on how to protect yourself during a solar storm.


IIn summary, solar storms are unpredictable and powerful events that can have serious consequences for technology and people. It is important to be prepared and take steps to minimize the risks associated with these events.


How can we protect ourselves?


Solar storms can be detrimental to electronic systems, but there are steps you can take to protect them. Here are some tips for protecting electronics during a solar storm:


* Use surge protection: Surge protection is a device that connects to electrical current and protects electronics from voltage spikes.


* Protect data: Back up your important data to an external device, such as external drives, to make sure it's not lost in the event of a power outage.


* Disconnect electronics: During a solar storm, it is best to disconnect electronics from electrical power to avoid damage.


* Uses an uninterruptible power supply (UPS): A UPS is a device that provides temporary power during a power outage. This protects the electronics from voltage spikes and gives them enough time to shut down safely.


* Secure electronic systems: Secure them in place and avoid placing them near windows or other entry points for electromagnetic radiation.


* Use a Faraday Cage as a method of active protection against electromagnetic pulses generated by solar storms and other events.


In summary, protecting electronic systems during a solar storm is important to minimize the risks of damage and data loss. Using protective measures such as surge protection, backing up data, disconnecting electronic systems, using a UPS, and securing electronic systems are some of the best ways to protect them.



Use a Faraday cage to protect your Cuvex cards, or any other device where you store your private keys or seeds today.


A Faraday cage is a device used to protect electronic systems against electromagnetic interference, including solar storms. This cage is constructed of conductive material, such as copper or aluminium, and aims to block electromagnetic radiation and charged particles from solar storms.


The advantages of using a Faraday cage include:


* Effective protection: Faraday cages are an effective way to protect electronic systems against electromagnetic interference, including solar storms.


* Easy to use: They do not require complicated installation or maintenance; they are only placed in the desired protection area.


* Wide Applicability: They can be used in a variety of applications, from the protection of communications systems to the protection of electric power systems.


* Effective cost: They are an affordable protection solution for most electronic systems.


Faraday cages are an effective, easy-to-use and affordable way to protect electronics from solar storms and other electromagnetic interference. This protection solution is a valuable investment to ensure continuity of service and protection of important data.


You can build your own Faraday Cage, just Google how to do it, you will find a lot of information about it.


But if you want you can also buy our Faraday case for your Cuvex cards, which complies with the rigorous safety standard MIL-STD-188-125-2


(High-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) protection for ground-based C4I facilities performing critical, time-urgent missions).

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